The great disadvantage of an incumbent today is that facts are available. President Obama has a very public record of his presidency; Romney does not. In a nation that embraces facts only when they are convenient, the candidate with the most reality attached is at a distinct disadvantage. The most glaring reality available today is an 8.3% unemployment rate. It is the albatross that weighs Obama down.
Never mind the fact the Tea Party
was created as soon as Obama arrived in the White House. Made to look like a
grass roots movement, it was funded and orchestrated from the beginning by the
likes of David Koch, an American oil baron, who, among others, was not about to
let a pragmatic black man run the show. Even though Obama inherited the worst
economic mess since the 1930’s, the very people who created the mess would
quickly use the artificially inseminated grass roots trick called the Tea Party
to make sure Obama’s solutions would not work. By installing Tea Party
candidates in the House by 2010, the blockade was successfully erected. No
further Keynesian solutions would be allowed. The “market” would be restored as
mover and shaker and this uppity community organizer out of the wrong side of
Chicago would be thwarted and neutered.
What the Tea Party has been taught
to fear more than anything is a powerful government. If government could
actually succeed in reversing all the damage done by bubble and bust
laissez-faire capitalism on the loose, the high stakes games played by the fast
and loose players on Wall Street and the corporate big guys like Koch would be
curtailed. They no longer would be able to generate bubbles as large and
profitable as they once had.
Meanwhile, thanks to voices such as
Rush Limbaugh and Fox News brainwashers, the lowly soldiers of the Tea Party are
convinced that their self-interests are the same as the Wall Street gamers and
corporate giants and that government is the problem. The truth is corporations
such as Wal-Mart and Target have had a much greater negative impact on small businesses
throughout the country than government ever could. And yet the small businessman has been taught
to see big business as a big brother rather than his destroyer. Unlike the
unemployment statistic, there is no comparable index that measures the job or
small business loss through Big Box economic oligarchy.
The dimming myth of the American
Dream is kept alive by the same trick that gets statistically impaired people
to buy lottery tickets. You, too, can be a winner. All you have to do is play.
Target and Wal-Mart are simply the current winners. Your turn is just around
the corner. With hard work and a little luck, your business can become another
Home Depot. The only thing that stands in your way is…government. That’s like
blaming the referee for your winless or mediocre season.
Let’s call Big Box stores Big
Boxers. In the sport of boxing there are weight classes. The heavyweights do
not box the bantamweights. In capitalism it’s a free-for-all where all weight
classes are in the same arena, small businesses and large. The only hope for
the small business is that a heavyweight does not come to town and pummel the
lightweight with prices and variety it cannot possibly match.
The American Dream was once most
broadly alive during the Eisenhower administration when taxes on the rich were
about 90%. Employment was high, home ownership was on the rise, and the
difference between the wages of the average worker and the CEO were about what
they are in Japan today: CEOs made twenty times what the average worker
made. Today, a president, who is labeled a socialist by
today’s extreme right (the Tea Party folks), is actually right of Eisenhower in
relative conservatism. But the American public has been sitting in the ever
increasingly conservative cauldron for the last three decades like the frog in
the proverbial pot of boiling water and failing to notice that their American
Dream is dying a slow death.
It is time to wake up, America, to
the truth. Stop being true believers shaped by Wall Street and big business.
They are pursuing their self-interests, not yours. And their self-interests
have become all-powerful. Your only hope is a more powerful referee, not the
absence of one.
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