It must have been the gopher that inspired the split estate law in the West. If you ever tried to plant a garden anywhere there are gophers, they eat it out from under you…literally. That’s what the split estate law [a combination of the Stock Raising Homestead Act of 1916 (SHRA) and the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (MLA)] has wrought. Today, an oil and gas company can lease the land under your garden and “drill, baby, drill” until your well, health, and property values are ruined beyond repair. Unlike the gopher, legally, the mineral leaser’s interests trump your surface rights. You can try to trap, poison, drown, or otherwise dispose of the gopher, but you can’t touch the driller.
“The business of America is business,” said President Calvin Coolidge in the 1920’s not long after the two acts mentioned above were passed. It has been business as usual ever since. That peculiar expression of hubris that resulted in the Great Depression was revived by the Masters of the Universe on Wall Street in the last decade and resulted in the Great Recession of 2007-9. But to many a capitalist the bubble and bust cycle of business is just natural, not something to fix. There are always winners and losers, so why worry about crashes and bankruptcy: they are all part of the market system that always self-corrects.
A lot of these true believers in the market-as-God also believe in property-as-God. They like to trace their arguments to the concept of natural rights. John Locke was one of the first “modern” thinkers to come up with a threesome of them: life, liberty, and property. According to Locke, men are born with certain natural rights that no government can ever take away. Since the founding fathers of the United States, taking Locke’s lead, came up with three of their own (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) this idea of natural rights has had a legacy here in the USA. What makes them “natural” as opposed to legal remains debatable, unless, of course, you see them as the equivalent of appendages or body organs as in everyone has a natural right to a liver and liberty.
What’s interesting is that the Locke natural right of property got left out of the founding fathers’ list. In its place the concept of the pursuit of happiness was added. Maybe property got left behind in 1776 because America promised so much available land at the time that the founding fathers believed land would never be an issue. Or maybe they were worried the Indians would realize that they also could “own” property and hold the founding fathers accountable for large scale confiscation of their lands. In any case, property was not highlighted as a natural (inalienable) right in the Declaration of Independence.
However, as the West was being settled thanks to the Gold Rush of 1849 and Manifest Destiny, the religious thrust behind further confiscation of land by Anglos, as well as the Industrial Revolution and the waves of immigrants that came to America starting in the 1840’s, the U.S. Government eventually came up with not only a property right but a “two fer” lease: the split estate. Maybe politicians began to feel that property was something to pay more attention to because not only did industry need more resources and ranchers more land, men were being forced by law to share political power with women the same year that the Minerals Leasing Act was passed (Women’s Suffrage, 1920). MLA passage may be just a coincidence or it may have been a way of placating the men-folk who were eager to have some kind of compensation for their loss.
The split estate seemed like a good idea at the time, just as slavery or denying women the vote seemed like good ideas at an earlier time. There was so much land out west it never occurred to the power brokers in Washington that surface use and sub-surface use could ever come in conflict. Today, now that we are beginning to see the greater interconnectedness of life through ecology, the idea of split estate is obsolete. No knowledgeable person could go along with the continuation of such a law knowing what we now know. Ecology is the thrust behind the abolition movement of the 21st Century. Sooner or later, justice and rightness will prevail. The split-estate law will be abolished, and the idea that mineral rights can take precedence over surface rights will go the way of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. It is not only ecologically insane; it is morally wrong.
How can it possibly be morally wrong?
I hear a lot of talk coming from the conservative camp that the national deficit is the greatest threat to the prosperity of future generations of Americans. It is not the GREATEST threat. The greatest threat is environmental degradation by current high-impact, low-cost, expedient mining and drilling practices as well as excessive hydrocarbon use throughout the United States and the planet as a whole. Water quality, air quality, and fertile land quality are far more critical than our need for hydrocarbons. Moreover, if hydrocarbons are so important a finite resource, we should be preserving as much as we can for use by future generations. You cannot argue about the threat of national debt, a reversible liability, and ignore the conservation of resources if you are concerned for future generations. It simply does not make sense. The present generations should turn to alternative, sustainable, non-hydrocarbon sources of energy now so that future generations won’t have to use energy to cool the planet.
Meanwhile, I think I’ll go out to the garden and try to figure out how I can get rid of those gophers that keep undermining my organic dream.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
God in America
While watching the second part of the PBS special God in America last night, I was struck by how blindly drawn to certainty a large segment of the country has always been. Better to be dead right than maybe wrong. Both sides of the Civil War believed God was on their side, but as Lincoln concluded, both could not be right and possibly neither was. Then Lincoln went from being Deist (God set in motion this mechanism called life) to Evangelical (God told me what to do) in a sudden revelation which resulted in the Emancipation Proclamation, the just cause the North needed to win the war.
America pretends to have one God but in practice has many. There are personal gods, sectarian gods, and secular gods. What the people who believe in them all have in common is a faith that their god will deliver “the good” and sometimes the goods.
For many the belief starts with absolute trust in a text. The trust is so absolute that every word in the text is sacred. Even though the text has been translated and modernized over time, every word somehow remains sacred to those who buy into fundamentalist teaching. This tendency to see certain texts as sacred (Bible, Torah, Koran) helps explain how some also view The Constitution as a static document to be preserved at any cost as opposed to a living document that is subject to adjustment according to the needs of the people and the times. Literal interpretation of texts, it is assumed, requires no interpretation. It is simply ingesting. You swallow whole, never chew.
This tendency or proclivity to absorb wholly and directly is carried into our economic lives as well. There are those believe in the Market as if it were a god. Just trust in the Market to take care of business. We need not any tinkerers or adjusters or certainly not any government bureaucrats messing with our god. In God We Trust to these purists means In Market We Trust.
America has had an element that wants to purify or sanctify something ever since the Puritans landed in 1620. It also has had an element that has always felt uncomfortable in the stiff clothes of doctrinaire thinking and texts. Printed words and human institutions are not chiseled in stone. They are created by man, not dictated by God to man. God has never exclusively endorsed a specific text as his word and has never left a note to say he had.
Belief is a “time out” from thinking. It is the product of the anti-intellectual’s unwillingness to venture into the arduous world of reason. It is the surrender to assumption and blind belief, not the victory of truth.
True believers are inevitably skeptical of science because science is so skeptical. Science has hypotheses and theories, probability and statistics, not absolute truths. It is the very uncertainty of science that horrifies the true believer. We can’t trust science to give us truth on a platter, only carcasses of old ideas left on the dissecting table and new theories tentatively offered in their place. How messy and unsatisfying it all is.
On the other hand, moderately religious people who focus on service and helping the needy are good to have around. They keep their religion to themselves and simply do good deeds. There are no strings attached to their efforts.
However, our nation suffers from an inordinate lack of faith in the power of reason to sort out our difficulties. Instead, we have our centers of power polluted by a preoccupation with preponderant principle over pragmatic progress. Some true believers are paralyzed with fear because they consume the fast food of facile belief containing empty spiritual calories rather than exercise their mental capacities toward solutions. Thinking is hard work, but a certain portion of America has always shunned it because it might disturb the literal narrative it has always blindly trusted.
However, the chief reason Americans hang onto their beliefs is the ever broadening heterogeneity of the country. We have always been a nation of immigrants and continue to be so. We are also the most religiously diverse nation in the world, but unlike the foods we bring to the American table, we do not embrace each other’s religions the way we enjoy each other’s ethnic dishes. New foods are a lot more digestible; new beliefs are not.
True believers see other beliefs as a threat to their own, not a complement. It leaves them “thinking” that they must reinforce their own beliefs rather than question them. The notion of turning to reason simply does not occur. It’s in a different realm of being.
Meanwhile, absolutist belief will continue to be the sacred cow that wanders through and disrupts American progress such as stem cell research while engineers of growth elsewhere in the world (China, India, for example) will pass us on their freshly constructed by-passes and freeways. Their de facto separation of church and state will trump our de jure separation any day now.
America pretends to have one God but in practice has many. There are personal gods, sectarian gods, and secular gods. What the people who believe in them all have in common is a faith that their god will deliver “the good” and sometimes the goods.
For many the belief starts with absolute trust in a text. The trust is so absolute that every word in the text is sacred. Even though the text has been translated and modernized over time, every word somehow remains sacred to those who buy into fundamentalist teaching. This tendency to see certain texts as sacred (Bible, Torah, Koran) helps explain how some also view The Constitution as a static document to be preserved at any cost as opposed to a living document that is subject to adjustment according to the needs of the people and the times. Literal interpretation of texts, it is assumed, requires no interpretation. It is simply ingesting. You swallow whole, never chew.
This tendency or proclivity to absorb wholly and directly is carried into our economic lives as well. There are those believe in the Market as if it were a god. Just trust in the Market to take care of business. We need not any tinkerers or adjusters or certainly not any government bureaucrats messing with our god. In God We Trust to these purists means In Market We Trust.
America has had an element that wants to purify or sanctify something ever since the Puritans landed in 1620. It also has had an element that has always felt uncomfortable in the stiff clothes of doctrinaire thinking and texts. Printed words and human institutions are not chiseled in stone. They are created by man, not dictated by God to man. God has never exclusively endorsed a specific text as his word and has never left a note to say he had.
Belief is a “time out” from thinking. It is the product of the anti-intellectual’s unwillingness to venture into the arduous world of reason. It is the surrender to assumption and blind belief, not the victory of truth.
True believers are inevitably skeptical of science because science is so skeptical. Science has hypotheses and theories, probability and statistics, not absolute truths. It is the very uncertainty of science that horrifies the true believer. We can’t trust science to give us truth on a platter, only carcasses of old ideas left on the dissecting table and new theories tentatively offered in their place. How messy and unsatisfying it all is.
On the other hand, moderately religious people who focus on service and helping the needy are good to have around. They keep their religion to themselves and simply do good deeds. There are no strings attached to their efforts.
However, our nation suffers from an inordinate lack of faith in the power of reason to sort out our difficulties. Instead, we have our centers of power polluted by a preoccupation with preponderant principle over pragmatic progress. Some true believers are paralyzed with fear because they consume the fast food of facile belief containing empty spiritual calories rather than exercise their mental capacities toward solutions. Thinking is hard work, but a certain portion of America has always shunned it because it might disturb the literal narrative it has always blindly trusted.
However, the chief reason Americans hang onto their beliefs is the ever broadening heterogeneity of the country. We have always been a nation of immigrants and continue to be so. We are also the most religiously diverse nation in the world, but unlike the foods we bring to the American table, we do not embrace each other’s religions the way we enjoy each other’s ethnic dishes. New foods are a lot more digestible; new beliefs are not.
True believers see other beliefs as a threat to their own, not a complement. It leaves them “thinking” that they must reinforce their own beliefs rather than question them. The notion of turning to reason simply does not occur. It’s in a different realm of being.
Meanwhile, absolutist belief will continue to be the sacred cow that wanders through and disrupts American progress such as stem cell research while engineers of growth elsewhere in the world (China, India, for example) will pass us on their freshly constructed by-passes and freeways. Their de facto separation of church and state will trump our de jure separation any day now.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Chillin' in Chile
Now that the 33 miners trapped in the Chilean mine are about to ascend to freedom, let’s not let this disaster go to waste. A lot of money and effort has gone into constructing the escape route. Why not, when all the dust settles on this harrowing experience, turn this construct into a whole new form of eco-tourism? The Chilean government, in conjunction with, say, the United States or even the United Nations, could “invite” some of the latest and worst ecological offenders who perhaps will suffer only minor financial setbacks at best or maybe a little time in a cozy and lush country club style detention center, to spend some time in the space vacated by the Chilean miners.
They would not have to spend a long time down there, but just enough to give them time to contemplate their sins. It would be a kind of “time out” for corporate executives. Those in charge of the “eco-lodge” could market the experience as a kind of innovative VIP rehab or an Executive Appropriate Transcendental Synergistic Highly Intensive Transformation to be known as EATSHIT.
Some of the candidates that come to mind are Tony Hayward of BP and the CEO of the aluminum factory in Hungary that recently sent a sizeable cocktail of hazardous waste toward the Danube. Certain to make the exclusive list would be Don Blankenship of Massey Energy who ignored all sorts of infractions before one of his mines blew up killing 29 miners last spring. Perhaps he should be the first to attend this exciting adventure.
On the other hand, it might be a great rite of passage for any national leader from any country that develops energy or mineral resources. A visit to the site and a trip down the shaft might keep national leaders from giving their people the shaft by not enforcing sound protocols pertaining to energy and mineral extraction. Better that they experience firsthand what it is like to survive a mine disaster so that others may survive as well.
Eco-tourism to this point has been altogether tame and precious. It has amounted to no more than an opportunity for ecology converts to strengthen their beliefs…a form of “preaching to the choir.” The people who tend to do eco-tourism are limousine liberals. Isn’t it time the world and business leaders are exposed to an experience that might give them pause to continuing the reckless exploitation of the world’s ever-shrinking resources and the cavalier disregard of sound protocols that save lives?
They would not have to spend a long time down there, but just enough to give them time to contemplate their sins. It would be a kind of “time out” for corporate executives. Those in charge of the “eco-lodge” could market the experience as a kind of innovative VIP rehab or an Executive Appropriate Transcendental Synergistic Highly Intensive Transformation to be known as EATSHIT.
Some of the candidates that come to mind are Tony Hayward of BP and the CEO of the aluminum factory in Hungary that recently sent a sizeable cocktail of hazardous waste toward the Danube. Certain to make the exclusive list would be Don Blankenship of Massey Energy who ignored all sorts of infractions before one of his mines blew up killing 29 miners last spring. Perhaps he should be the first to attend this exciting adventure.
On the other hand, it might be a great rite of passage for any national leader from any country that develops energy or mineral resources. A visit to the site and a trip down the shaft might keep national leaders from giving their people the shaft by not enforcing sound protocols pertaining to energy and mineral extraction. Better that they experience firsthand what it is like to survive a mine disaster so that others may survive as well.
Eco-tourism to this point has been altogether tame and precious. It has amounted to no more than an opportunity for ecology converts to strengthen their beliefs…a form of “preaching to the choir.” The people who tend to do eco-tourism are limousine liberals. Isn’t it time the world and business leaders are exposed to an experience that might give them pause to continuing the reckless exploitation of the world’s ever-shrinking resources and the cavalier disregard of sound protocols that save lives?
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